Browse Category: My Garden

Blue Iris Reticulata

Spring Happiness for Gardeners

My friends, I’ve found the key to happiness. Well, that might be too broad of a statement. Let me get a bit more specific: I’ve found the key to happiness in March and April for gardeners in climates where winters are long and cold. The secret? BULBS!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: Planting bulbs is a lot of work for such a short bloom time. Can’t I just find happiness in a bottle of Cabernet?

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Raised vegetable garden bed with seed packets

Late Summer Project: Raised Garden Beds

I don’t know about you, but for me, Pinterest-inspired projects rarely turn out as wonderful as I have pictured in my head.  I’m not sure if the cause of this Pinterest/Reality gap is exceptional photography, an inflated assessment of my abilities, minor execution error, or some combination of all of the above, but I continue to use the site to inspire my project list.  And good thing I do, because my latest Pinterest-inspired project turned out better than I could have imagined! Continue Reading

Shade garden with gravel path

July Garden Update – dealing with drought, building a lotus bog, and adding a focal point

How is it late July already?  Between a new role at work, family in town, and various gardening activities, I’ve been slacking on the blog posts.  Don’t judge me too harshly, though; while I’ve not been writing, I haven’t forgotten about you — I’ve been out touring gardens, working on my garden, and taking lots of pictures (which means I should have plenty of awesomeness to help us get through winter next year!) But for now, I thought I should share a mid-summer garden update.   Continue Reading

Japanese Maple in a woodland garden in front of waterfall

Beginning to Naturalize the Water Garden with Fish and Plants

A backyard waterfall, stream, and pond is a water feature.  When you add plants, it becomes a water garden.  When you add plants and fish, it becomes a magical place you could sit by all day if you didn’t have to do adult things like go to work and buy groceries.

Alas, I am neither independently wealthy nor close enough to a store to qualify for any kind of delivery, so I do have to leave my oasis more than I would like to.  Now the last time you saw the water garden it was under snow and looking pretty darn empty — probably not what you would consider an “oasis” — so let me rewind a bit. Continue Reading

Coffee cup and water garden in April

A year’s progress in the garden

It’s easy to look at pictures in gardening magazines, Pinterest, and Instagram and feel a bit discouraged when you compare them to your own garden.   At least I feel that way — there’s a big gap between where my garden is and where I want it to be.  I still have a lot of plants to buy, work to do, and time to wait for young plants to mature.  But it hit me yesterday that I have only been on my gardening journey for one year — and I’ve made an incredible amount of progress! Continue Reading

Waterfall into a stream as part of a backyard water garden.

My water garden dream come true

The year was 1999, and my brothers and I had a big task ahead of us: somehow convince my parents to fund and help us build a water garden at our house.

Okay, truth be told, my mom was on board —  it was really my dad we had to persuade.  I went into high-gear research paper mode, checking out all of the related books I could possibly find from the library and building out compelling argument backed up with a project plan.  Had it been a school assignment, I’m sure it would have been graded A+.  My brothers and I presented the idea to our parents;  our phenomenal presentation was met with, “We’ll think about it.”  Dang it. Continue Reading