Browse Category: Botanical Gardens

Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory sign

A Visit to the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory

Every year about this time, you’ll hear me make the same resolution: “Next year we’re going to Florida for the month of January.” Yep, as much as I love living where we do for most of the year, January and February here can be rough. It’s cold, it’s brown (except for the rare occasions when we get snow), and there’s just not enough sunlight. For someone who loves being outside playing in the dirt, it’s a drag.

Now when I say “go to Florida,” I don’t mean just anywhere in Florida — I’m talking about one of my favorite places in the world: the Keys. And while I was bundled up this weekend, dreaming about driving down Highway 1 in a convertible with turquoise water on each side of the road, it occurred to me that this may be a great time of year to share with you pictures from the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory.

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Enjoying Tulip Time in Topeka

Happy Earth Day, friends!

It’s been a late spring, and I thought you deserved to see some beautiful spring flowers, so it was out of complete selflessness that I drove to Ted Ensley Gardens in Topeka, KS this week to take pictures of tulips in bloom.  It definitely had nothing to do with the fact that tulips are my favorite flower and that the 9.5 acre garden has more than 50,000 tulips on display.  Nope, my motivation was completely altruistic.  I enjoyed Tulip Time in Topeka for you.

Last year was the first fall I tried planting bulbs, and the ‘Spring Beauty’ crocus were a delightful promise of spring throughout March.  There has been a definite gap between the crocus fading and the rest of the garden awakening, though, so next year I have a plan: Continue Reading

Leu Gardens - TriColor Camellia - GardenTails blog

A winter visit to Leu Gardens

Pro tip: always grab a bottle of water before you start your tour of a 50-acre botanical garden in central Florida, even if it is February.  Otherwise, you may end up at the opposite end of the garden — surrounded by stunning Camellia blooms — when a part of your brain starts whining, “Are we done yet? I’m thiiiirsty.”  Trust me — it’s a tough task to fully appreciate the 230+ cultivars of Camellias Leu Gardens has on display when your brain is acting like a three-year-old at an art museum, so just make sure to bring water along. Continue Reading