Browse Tag: master gardener

White clematis bloom

Laura’s Garden: Perfection Takes Time

Patience may be a virtue, but it’s not one that I’ve ever possessed. In elementary school, my report cards all had the same comment: “Sarah needs to work on her patience — but don’t worry, she’ll develop it over time.”

Well, I sure proved those teachers wrong! All these years later, I still need to work on my patience. I’m reminded of this regularly as I garden — for example, just this weekend I found myself staring at the seedlings in my basement and willing them to grow faster. (In case you were wondering, that tactic does not appear to work, but let me know if you have other ideas.)

Luckily, there are more advanced gardeners who can demonstrate for us that good things take time. One of those gardeners is Laura, owner of stop #2 on last year’s 2018 JoCo Master Gardner Tour.

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