Browse Month: March 2019

Is It Spring Yet?

It was bound to happen. After months of cold, snowy weather without the normal respite of random warm days, my condition worsened. “Get in the car — we’re going to Lowe’s,” I announced to my husband on Saturday night. Ten minutes later, we were bundled up, cursing ourselves for not using remote start to warm up the Tahoe, and headed to town. As we pulled out of the driveway, I growled to Brandon: “Play me some angry music.”

Call it the winter blues, call it cabin fever, call it “*bleep* you, winter!”, my affliction has me feeling a combination of anxious, frustrated, and just plain angry. Last year at this time, I was having my water garden installed! We were seeing glimpses of spring! Heck, you could even be outside without the fear of frostbite!

I mean, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, can we please get some warmer weather around here?

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